Tuesday 5 February 2019

Step-By-Step Guide of High-Quality Article Writing For Your Blog

Content is a fundamental part of making your business successful online. It seems impossible, but, article writing generates almost 62 % more leads than the outbound marketing approach. However, you cannot expect that people will read your content and go to your site, no matter what you write. To make the people love what you write, you have to be careful. After judging the clientele, if you write the right type of content, the blog will be popular in no time. The question is how is this possible? You need to follow certain steps to create the right type of content. Let’s check some of those points, shall we?

Keyword Search

What do the blogs do? They either generate traffic or raise conversions. To achieve that any professional SEO company generally, starts with searching the right keywords for the blogs. You should also follow the professionals. Take the help of the tools that are available on the internet to search the right kind of keywords for your blogs.  Your real work starts once you find the right keywords.

Find the most shared posts

Your goal is to create content that people will love to share. To write such an article you first have to know what the people are thinking about your chosen keywords. Once you know what people want to know related to that keyword, you can choose a title accordingly.

Use Quora to Find Questions That You Should Answer

Quora is a great place to explore the current topics. All you have to do is decide a topic and search it on Quora. Choose the most asked or most answered topic and write an article on that. Another easy way to use Quora for article writing is, by finding out the influencers. There are many tools on the internet that will help you to trace the influencers on Quora. Just follow their topics and write blogs on it.

Search for Infographics

At any time picture makes your article attractive. To make it even more effective, you should use infographics. There are thousands of infographics available in the Pinterest. Just search for the relevant keyword, and choose the most relevant infographic.

These are some of the most important rules which can generate loads of traffic for your site. Just follow these tips to a tee, and you will reap the benefits of it just like a professional SEO company. Once you have written a great content it is just a matter of time for your blog to get popular among the netizens.

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